WATER CARE Enviro Solutions is one of the leading Environmental Consultants approved by the Kerala State Pollution Control Board based at Thrissur, kerala , Also Branches in Thiruvanathapuram & Calicut .providing pollution control management services to all districts in Kerala State .We provide most comprehensive and cost effective systems in water Treatment plants ( WTP, R.O,UF, Plants), waste water Treatment plants ( STP ,ETP ) and Solid Waste treatment( Bio Gas Plant, Incinerator plants, etc.)
We Specializes in Providing Design ,Engineering and technology .A very high degree of treatment of waste water Drinking water is achieved which makes it suitable for recycle and re use at very low cost of treatment by using minimum space .By realizing the demanding field in this changing environmental scenario, we are committed to address the burning issues through efficient, viable and affordable state-of the-art technological solutions